18-Year-Old Discovers She Was Kidnapped At Birth – Crime Watch Daily

18-Year-Old Discovers She Was Kidnapped At Birth – Crime Watch Daily

Kamiyah Mobley, raised under the name Alexis Manigo, was abducted at a hospital at birth and raised by Gloria Williams, whom Mobley always thought was her real mother. Williams confessed to the kidnapping when Mobley was in the process of applying for a restaurant job and needed her social security card.

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39 thoughts on “18-Year-Old Discovers She Was Kidnapped At Birth – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Just like “Dammam kidnapper”, a Saudi woman named Mariam, who kidnapped three infants from hospitals in the 90’s to raise them, ((even though she already had her own children!!))

    Some English sources state that she abducted two children, but this is false.. these sources only focused on the two who did not have national IDs and the kidnapper claimed they were foundlings, and did not mention the one who was registered under her husband's name.. but some English sources mentioned the three of them
    The Arabic sources state that they are three, and there are even TV interviews and videos of them and their families, they talked about their lives with Mariam and how they felt when they found out they were abducted from their parents.

    She had a daughter and a son, but wanted more sons, so she decided to kidnap a boy every three years!!

    The first child was abducted in 1993, he was registered under her first husband's name, while the other two who were abducted in 1996 and 1999 weren’t registered under the name of any of her husbands ((she got divorced then married another man)).

    She attempted to kidnap a fourth child too in 2002, but she failed and decided to stop kidnapping children because she didn’t want to get caught ((according to her confessions 18 years later)).

    Since the second and third abducted children weren’t registered they did not even have national IDs, therefore they were deprived of education and all their their civil rights.

    She wasn’t caught until 2020.
    In 2020 she went to obtain national IDs for the two whom she claimed to be foundlings….. but her claims were so suspicious!!

    They ran DNA tests on all the 5 children, it turned out that 3 of them were newborns kidnapped from hospitals in the 90’s, and only 2 children were hers.

  2. I mean I’ve seen people so desperate that they actually cut the baby out of the womb of the mother and yeah so this lady is nothing compared to that to those people anyway. So I do respect and I love her right

    Because she could’ve kidnapped her to force her into child labour or selling her as a sex slave you know what she never dead she honestly gave her a life that lots and lots and lots of kids would love to have and not the only dreamed of having. She had a nice bed to sleep in she had food on the table I mean like yeah I mean she probably got her shares of disciplines and everything from the lady but nothing not never abusive she was not smacking her five or six times every time she did make a mistake

    And because she was a good mother very very very good person in general I think I don’t even think she should spend even a day or two in jail. I would’ve just you know

    I don’t know what I would do in that situation because if my friend got kidnapped and she told me I don’t think I’d have the heart to call the police if she wasn’t being abused especially if I knew the person who raised her and she was so kind to me you know I wouldn’t have the heart. I just wouldn’t I honest to God I will never be able to arrest somebody who gave somebody a good loving home

  3. Yeah like I said one year ago I don’t think it’s right because she is not a criminal per se. I mean yeah she did kidnap somebody else’s child and that is against the law

    But she never heard her she never forced her in your trial labour or she never kidnapped her to pass her off as a sex slave or do you know

    Not like most kidnapping cases of babies no most don’t have a good life. So at least I give this lady credit and loving care I really really really give her my respect for at least being a good mother and giving that child a good home so I do support her very very very much

    And Innoway I feel terrible that she never got a child of her own and I feel bad that she had a breakdown she had a mental breakdown because if she was honestly in her right mind I don’t think she would’ve kidnapped a child the way that she did.

  4. I’m not defending the mother’s actions, but if I found out my mother kidnapped me at birth. The woman who gave me love, affection, support, took care of my health issues and was there throughout my hardships. I’d honestly also stand by her. I wouldn’t support what she did, but I just couldn’t hate her.

  5. I have wondered about this baby for years. This mom was so devistated by this loss. If you've ever given birth to a child..you know the loss is beyond extreme!!! I'm so glad her mom has this..at least!

  6. Maimunna Abdullahi in this case ,the best part is that the kidnapper took very giood. Care of the girl,bringing her up like her own daughter inso much the girl prefers to stay with the so called my kid napper lnstead of her biologiclal parents.shé should be given her own freewill and choice.true kidnapping is wrong,but this is a rare case indeed.léts look to the happiness of the. Girl as well.the kidnapper was another mother to the child and she cared and protected for all those years and it would be justified to give her just a few years of community service and lét the girl make the choice wíth whom she prefers to stay with foór for the rest of her life .at the end of the day it's her happiness that matters .please do not shatter their hearts.

  7. I’ve seen this story on Ilyana Fix My Life show and she’s very rude and brainwashed by I don’t know who, she doesn’t get the biological parents pain, with that kind of attitude from the child, I would just forget about it all and let her stay where she’s at. It’s like rubbing the kidnapper pain in the biological parents face. She’s acting as if the biological parents gave her away, she doesn’t understand this woman stole her and created all this pain for the biological mother. With that attitude they two deserve each other, let her stay where she is with the rogue mom

  8. So she comforts her own pain from a miscarriage by kidnapping a baby and causing pain to another mother!? If her miscarriage was hard to handle, imagine carrying the baby and then losing her after birth. What a selfish, crazy woman.

  9. It's the only parent this beautiful young woman knows. She raised her safe, but this other woman committed a crime. She deprived the biological parents their child for 18 years. Imagine the anguish this family endured imagining their baby could be dead or being abused.

  10. alot of you people can't think. if your dog smart enough to found out you not her real parent, should the dog bite you in the rear? the dog love you and loyal to you cus you raised her.

  11. Wow…I could never trust anyone, no matter who they were, after learning something like this. I don’t think this girl was raised right considering her choices. No respect for the biological family at all in trying to get to know them and to defend the person who raised you for doing such a thing to you and your family.?. Strange and very f’d up. I’d put money on it that the sick woman who raised her was very controlling and did a lot in preparing (brainwashing) for something like this to happen. It’s one thing to steel a baby while going through trauma but to have no morals to come forward until you have to (when she couldn’t get a social security card), tells a story of a very sick and selfish woman; a narcissist boarder-line, if not full, psychopath. She should’ve gotten the maximum sentence of 22 years. She literally took a life for herself.

  12. Yes the kidnappers pain was horrific but the mothers was worse. You can't take a child because your hurting and aching for a child knowing your going to do the exact same to another mother, it's more traumatic if you've given birth too. I suffered 15 miscarriages and know the devastation. Taking someone's else's child is inexcusable.

  13. I honestly feel bad for both, imagine having a break down to steal a baby, imagine losing your baby to kidnapping…

    Yes what she did was wrong and she got what eventually came to her… But least the child is OK and healthy… I also feel bad for her too because you can tell that she loved that woman

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