11 Shocking Moments From ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s Triple Murder Trial So Far

11 Shocking Moments From ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s Triple Murder Trial So Far

From zombies — to spell castings — and bizarre audio recordings, the first week of Lori Vallow Daybell’s triple murder trial has been anything but ordinary. The ‘doomsday cult’ mom is accused of killing two of her children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, along with her fifth husband’s late wife, Tammy Daybell. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy details the most shocking moments from this unique trial so far.

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44 thoughts on “11 Shocking Moments From ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s Triple Murder Trial So Far

  1. So Charles shot inside of his house and they didn’t think that was suspicious? Those police gotta had some spell on them for them not to think that thre was no foul play on the incident 🤷🏽‍♂️☠️

  2. IF David Warwick is telling the truth about having a nightmare while JJ was being murdered, I’d say he’s the closest one of that cult to being a “visionary” psychic or vibrationally sensitive.

  3. Completely nuts this person! Psychopath and narcissist,.plus extreme delusion!! BUT, do you realize, how similar this religious extremism is, to islamic religious extremism. Muhammed was telling many similar things as Chad and Lori!! 👈👈👈

  4. As if the judge was going to allow her to be excused. Trying to use her mental health as an excuse. Guess what Lori, everyone in that courtroom is there because of you. 😏🤬

  5. I still Am not convinced she did this I still believe Alex did this to the kids For Revenge or Just Evil
    Shes correct only God Knows But why Are they Stating She Killed Tammy ? When she was out of town for 2 weeks at her Mothers house that was Proven So is this hear say

  6. All these dunderheads believe Lori’s lies? Zombies? They were normal. Charles BEGGED Melanie Gibb to help him get Lori help. She didn’t. Why? She believed in zombies as well? Come on. Melanie just loved the friendship and attention. To me Melanie is a criminal as well.

  7. Why can't they ever just kill themselves and leave all these innocent kid's and other's alone ? I'm not trying to be insensitive but why can't they just leave, run away, just leave the poor kids ? Other people loved those little ones.

  8. The problem is so many people speaking for what they call "The Lord" or speak of a Satan instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.. religious hogwash . GOD IS LOVE ONLY.. we do everything with free will..

  9. She asked to be excused before the autopsy photos came out. I’m very happy she had to sit through all of that and see what she did to those kids bodies. I fully believe that’s why she asked to leave. To not see that

  10. As a mom of both a boy and girl, and a Christian I am both horrified and angry about this whole thing. True Christians know that children are to be protected at all costs. As a mom… I’d chop off both my own hands before I’d ever harm my kids! This mental health thing is just a nice way of calling someone evil and twisted while making excuses for their actions. Even the devil knows scripture, and can pretend to be “Godly”. I’m glad she was found guilty of all charges, [forgive me Lord] but I really hope she gets plenty of alone time with the other inmates who know what she did.

  11. I have no words! She chopped up her kids and reduced them to "globs," then wanted to exit the court. She is most definitely NOT in her right mind. Lol 144 000… are the Jews. 12 000 x 12 = 144 000. You know, it's each from the 12 tribes of Israel. Eish, this woman. Crazy!

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