11 Key Moments from ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s Triple Murder Trial — Week Two

11 Key Moments from ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s Triple Murder Trial — Week Two

Lori Vallow Daybell’s triple murder trial continued this week with shocking testimony from former friends of the “Doomsday cult” mom, her son Colby Ryan, law enforcement, and more. Daybell stands accused of murdering her two children, J.J. Vallow and Tylee Ryan, along with conspiracy to murder “prophet” Chad Daybell’s late wife, Tammy Daybell. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber breaks down eleven key moments from the trial this week.

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27 thoughts on “11 Key Moments from ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s Triple Murder Trial — Week Two

  1. I believe that Charles & Alex were murdered as well and if I were in that circle of people I would Not trust Melanie Gibb. Remember Lori wanted everyone who she thought was either a Zombie and/or demonized Dead.

  2. Lori is a horribly LOST despicable yet “saveable” human being..(I believe majority of criminals even murderers are saveable by the One True God, Jesus Christ)…. If she actually believes in the Lord— she should put HIS WILL first, not HER own … her own is a TWISTED & highly disturbed versions of other ppls perverted & sick beliefs in Religion & NOT the actual word of the Lord. And start by getting UN-brainwashed by this terroristic cult.

  3. lori does sound very mentally ill when on the phone with colby, like no self awareness/dissociated etc no excuse but maybe she is a lot more whack than first thought, also ppl say she was a good mother at some point and clearly shes the worst now, 180 degree change in personality is a sign of psychosis

  4. Did Lori ever say how many shots she heard when Charles was killed?
    From what I remember it was reported that the last two shots were fired at Charles while he was already on the ground.
    If she only witnessed one shot then told Alex to call he may have shot him twice more after Lori left, just to make sure he didn't mess it up like he did with Joe during the tazer incident.
    I still believe that Joe Ryan's death should be reopened.

  5. This case Def should have been on live because facial exprseons are a big part of a case i honestly did NOT Watch as i would have paid more attention to it but watch the Leticia case daily

  6. I worry, once, (and of course; if,) Lori is ultimately convicted on all counts against her, that because the proceedings were so complicated and convoluted and the evidence so largely circumstantial, she and her attorneys will eventually get the convictions overturned on appeal.

    It's like running a marathon, only once finally sweating and bleeding through the finish line, learning it's all been null and void on some obscure technicality!

    After years, paying particular attention, compared to other cases I could have invested my time in lol and finally believing Justice would have been done, for Tammy, Charles and especially Tylee and J.J., to have it all somehow; "undone," would be the height of frustrating, to say the LEAST.

    It would make it easier to understand how some people can become so cynical, about the criminal justice system.

    (Especially considering my seeming ability to forsee such an outcome already lol by making the prediction now!)

    Let's just hope that doesn't happen, eh?! 🤞

  7. This is what happens when your follower in a cult these people were not followers of Jesus Christ our Lord and savior these people were not Prophets they were nothing but sick twisted minded people with very selfish agendas

  8. Please can someone tell me why Lori got so much social security payments for her own children? I'm from the UK , so don't get it . We get child benefit, which is only about £24 pound a week per child .

  9. We will all stand there with Jesus? You’d want to hope not, Lori. Because from what I’ve heard, murderers don’t receive a warm welcoming, but a condemnation so swift, and so severe, you’ll beg for it to end.

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