38 thoughts on “2/2 Gregory Howe fleeing and eluding ended with deputies using lethal force.

  1. Murder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you boys in the blue sleep well at night you just killed a guy over not having a license

  2. I make no bones about the fact that I do not like or trust the police. At the same time anyone shoots at a cop and dies from it I feel the person received exactly what they were asking for

  3. He’s dead he’s dead need more units here keep em covered immortality is a thing guys remember when we got that brainwashed into our heads? Oh fuck he might have a bomb to we need to sit there and wait for him to bleed out before possible trying to save his life! Utterly sickening

  4. It looked like second body cam video showed cop shooting through his windshield past another cop car at truck. Those rounds could have easily hit the police suv between him and suspect. These guys are either idiots or will do anything for paid leave after a shooting.

  5. This is why the majority doesnt care when a cop is killed anymore. Its because of pieces of dirt like this. Did he have a gun in his hands, was he running toward you? Absolutely garbage cops!!

  6. I didn't see him point a weapon at officers when he exited the truck. It looked to me like he was gonna run and then spun around because his truck was rolling and then decided to go ahead and run and that's when they shot him A 100 times.

  7. Holy fuck! This should be a training video on exactly what NOT to do. The MORON fired though his windshield at another cop! And was Gregory even armed? The cops in Florida are fucking dumb.

  8. I have family members that live in the same "Saxon Ridge" subdivision close by to Gregory Howe's home. There had been several complaints since he moved in over threatening neighbors & contractors with violence and brandishing weapons.

  9. Murdering pieces of pig shit… They were shooting BEFORE the his truck was even stopped. Where was the gun seen???

  10. Militarized, American LEO's, killing unarmed, American Citizens, in America!
    I see no justification in the death of Mr. Howe by VCSO.
    He was gunned down, and killed in front of his home by cowardous, domestic terrorists!
    Chitwood's only concern, is that his deputies go home safely at the end of their day, and not the rights of the citizen's of Volusia County, to be able to do the same.
    Chitwood then calls the Deland Police Chief "weak- minded", for his statement about why his officer's did not pursue Mr.Howe, after he slowly left the scene of the traffic stop for a seat belt violation, and a suspended DL.
    The Deland Police Chief stated that there was no need to endanger the lives of the citizen's in his community, by pursuing someone over a traffic violation. They had Mr. Howe's address, and could serve the citations to him.
    This Police Chief believes in transparency with the people of his town.
    Now, why the VCSO decided to insert themselves into this, and do the total opposite of the Deland PD, is anyone's guess. They used stop sticks 2x's in order to stop Mr. Howe's slow moving truck, but Mr. Howe was probably scared that 4 Deputies were after him, and just wanted to get to his home. Little did he know, that after pulling in his driveway, he'd be shot down in cold blood by CHITWOOD'S own SCUMBAGS!
    This type of behavior from our Sheriff's Dept., and any other's who violate the rights of it's citizen's, must not be tolerated!
    LEO's ARE NOT above the law!

  11. When i tell sleeping people about gov wanting to round up guns and kill citizens and they say, whos gonna do it? Not our police. Not our military. Not on their own people. Hahahahah


  13. it seems that they were all firing because the one deputy couldnt wait to get out of the car and was endangering the officer in the suvby shooting through his windshield, the cops didnt know why they were firing just that the idiot shot through his windshield so oh boy if he is shooting i get to fire my gun too the man was unarmed when he got out of his truck but who cares? if I can shoot someone and not get charged with murder!
    was this guy a criminal? yeah but did he deserve to be gunned down for running from the cops he was at his home arseholes

  14. YeeHaa! All Sovicers git to do a mag dump.
    How dare he disrespek our athoratah.
    Don't worry about strays, if thay aint us, they git it too.

  15. No feelings for life, just kill. Pathetic! I do not know if man was armed or had just committed a violent crime. If not above stands.

  16. I can’t tell what started the shootout. Was the person fleeing armed? Who was it is these other vehicles?

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