Why Is Paying Taxes So Complicated? (USA Income Tax Documentary) | Real Stories – Everything Law and Order Blog

An Inconvenient Tax explores the history of the income tax and brings to light the causes of its many complexities. The film follows the tax through wars, economic booms, and some of the most significant presidencies in U.S. history.

Albert Einstein once wrote, “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax.” The product of 95 years worth of additions, subtractions, deductions, and exclusions, it has become such a headache that many are calling for it to be drastically simplified or even removed altogether. With a looming fiscal crisis on the horizon, April 15th seems more like a scene from a B-Horror horror movie than a day to contribute to the common good of the nation. Political favoritism, ineffective social programs, and economic manipulations all reveal the need for tax reform.

But how can Americans decide the best way to change the income tax when few people even understand the code or the vast extent to which it truly affects the country? To help crack the code, the film employs the country’s top economic experts, commentators, and political voices. Noam Chomsky, Steve Forbes, Joseph Thorndike, Mike Huckabee, Charles Rossotti, Dave M. Walker, Neal Boortz, Michael Graetz, Daniel Shaviro, Leonard Burman, and others discuss not only the problems America faces in the tax code, but also give valuable insights on how to move forward. Finally, the film gives a voice to the creators of several tax reform solutions who claim to have found a better way. In a time when many Americans are concerned about the future of the economy, rising deficits, and unfair tax treatment, “An Inconvenient Tax” provides a crucial, honest look at the income tax. For the first time ever, Americans can engage in the tax debate with confidence and perhaps discover a new way to tax.

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20 thoughts on “Why Is Paying Taxes So Complicated? (USA Income Tax Documentary) | Real Stories”
  1. Unless a flat tax exists, it's never going to get less complicated. Moreover, if the government wants to incentivize certain behaviors in society, one of the tools to achieve this is through deductions, yet deductions make the tax code more complicated.

    By the way, as a tax accountant, I can say unequivocally that AMT is the most confusing concept ever.

  2. Lmao, must be an American thing

    My Tax returns take me 3 minutes 😂

    Confirm the already entered information as it’s linked with the Tax office
    Add deductions
    Sign it

    Americans 🤦‍♂️😂

    Maybe this is why it’s easier for them to just go on a spree 🔫

  3. Let's not forget Burisma! Biden takes 10% of all "war funds" given to Ukraine through his son Hunter Biden on a natural gas board of directors. All politicians know how to avoid paying taxes and to access charitable funds given to other countries.

  4. California taking MORE than their fair share of FEDERAL FUNDS due to "federal emergencies" THEY CAUSE! Spring of 2022 California dumped TWO dams that had overflow protection, but they dumped them to create a "drought." Then they pay homeless, ANT1FA, and others to start fires. CA then blames "cLiMaTe cHaNge" for the drought, calls federal emergency, and receives MILLIONS of dollars from the rest of the country. CA is BANKRUPT from all illegals, "free" healthcare, "free" housing, "free" drug centers, etc. Don't worry, CA politicians pay themselves first (through their cLiMate ChAngE foundations and "businesses.") #DefundTheFederalGovernment

  5. That’s something I’ve never had to do in my life is fill in a tax return, I wouldn’t even know where to start to be honest…

  6. I stopped doing taxes because the representatives of California do not have the best interest in mind for the citizens of this state, they do what they want, so I will too.

  7. When I was just starting work I ask my Dad Y do we pay TAX
    In a long convoluted way that when over my 15 year old head…
    He said He wouldn't mind paying a £1000 a week Tax;… just think how much money I would Bring home…
    My reply was something like…
    That would be OK if that % rate was the same all across the whole workforce…
    In resect if it was 10% tax you keep 90% take home…

  8. My sister never even got last year's returns, she self-filed with turbo tax, and no one at the IRS ever answered the phone. This year shell6go to a pro and I suggested she have them look over last year's forms

  9. If US taxes are so complicated, why have I been able to file my own taxes for years after attending accounting school where only 1 semester of taxes was required? Yeah business men and the rich do have a complicated tax code that they can take advantage of to pay no taxes, but this documentary in the first 10 minutes just pushes taxes are so complicated that must mean it's bad and scary without any contrary views such as some taxes are kind of useful, where for example we should encourage a certain behaviour.

  10. Why not, extra money for the govt, what idiot who also takes your money would turn that down? Whether you’re owed money or you owe, if you make mistakes you’re charged fees. Multiply that by a few million people and voila, extra bonuses for everyone……high up at the IRS of course, or whatever they do with that money.

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