Tracking Down Maggie is a 1994 documentary film by Nick Broomfield about former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher. What begins as a genuine attempt to get an interview with the so-called ‘Iron Lady’ quickly turns into a game of cat-and-mouse in the United States, with the filmmaker snubbed at every turn.

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44 thoughts on “Tracking Down Maggie (Margaret Thatcher Documentary) | Real Stories”
  1. Well he started off saying he wanted to find out about the private side of Thatcher but half way through it became about her son and arms deals so was he being disingenuous from the start or what .. The stalker paparazzi doorstepping approach didn't get him anywhere.

  2. I'm on the right but I detest politicians who use their power to make themselves and their family rich. A good example of this is the Bidens with Hunter's dealings with Barisma and the Clinton family. No wonder Maggie didn't want to get involved with an independent journalist.

  3. So many adverts! I might as well watch terrestrial television! Considering she had Jimmy Savil for xmas lunch at Chequers for 10 years says a lot about her. Favourite song by Rolf. The many, many paedophiles in her government. Her father was notorious for preying on young female shop staff that never went back to the shop after their first and only day there. Dennis was already a millionaire when she met him. She also worked on inventing softserve icecream. At 50% through, I'm going to go watch something else as there's more adverts than content 🙄 don't be greedy, this doco has already been paid for.

  4. The Narrotor I no him from Documenrtys a good few Yr back he's one louie throux as well all his are gud were hav u gone Narrotor

  5. Hats off to everyone involved in this pursuit! Persistence at its finest no matter how illusive the subjects proved to be! I have the utmost respect for you all!

  6. That woman (MT) needed to be left alone. This was pure harassment. It is evident she wanted you all to leave her alone, and this should have been done. Forget your documentary!

  7. What a waste of my time. Whoever paid this reporter to hound Margaret Thatcher should ask for all monies returned. And whom ever calls this a documentary with any relevant information is clueless.

  8. It's interesting that she wanted to be an actress when younger.

    I actually saw her do a sketch of sorts with the two stars of Yes Minister and she was surprisingly good and spot on with her lines.Too good in my view.

  9. I have seen Broomfields other docs on Kurt Cobain, Tupac Shakur and Heidi Fleiss but wasn't aware of this.

    Trying to interview Margaret Thatcher must have been an odious, thankless task.

  10. She was a tough lady, punished and ridiculed for being a woman. But, England was spiraling around the drain. She was able to kick the can farther down the road. Socialism was starved off for a while longer. Such a shame that England wouldn't listen to the voice of reason. She wasn't lovable, but people don't need loveable leaders, they need strong ones. The left, liberals and those who hate freedom will always hate and try to destroy those leaders who are willing to administer tough love to make sure that Freedom endures. God Bless you, Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump…

  11. I'd be curious to know how Margaret Thatcher went from being a housewife to a prime minister and it seemed like something that could have been flushed out in more detail without chasing people down . You cant really make people do what they don't want to and I think he really blew it with her hairdressing appointment . On the flip side it must be hard to be a relative of someone famous and have to deal with pesky reporters always disturbing your privacy .

  12. I know Margaret Thatcher she didn't want to talk to every reporter. Thank you !!!! You did a great job trying to interview Thatcher's life style. I know the information was private. You were brave talking to sniffer he was legit but you working out with him. Even though she said no press you still shown up to her organization hearing. She was depressed about answering press questions. Her press officer. He did agreed to do business with you!!!

  13. Didn't she routinely rub elbows with powerful "men" who were wildly known to be chronically violent and diabolical ch0 m0s, while enabling said "men's" behavior by making deliberate calls that directly sealed these powerful positions for said "men"? What does it take to get a pass for such a thing?

  14. the comments have me convinced that most of you just clicked on here to state your adoration for Margaret rather than actually watch the video lol

  15. America loved Margaret Thatcher! President Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher was a formidable team during the Cold War in dealing with the Soviets! I love both of them!

  16. The confidence with which she pushed social “innovations” similar to Reagan which opened up capitalism to strangle things like Britains transportation and healthcare services is amazing. Especially as a woman in a overwhelmingly male field.

  17. This is Grand you know I have heard about Lady Thacker in Ohio everywhere she have A better business plaque at Thomas wernet center for recreational therapy and group therapy ran by consumers. I have heard about her at hospitals saint hospitals she is very charitable too mental health very well known for it thank you parliament. Some of my entertainment are from Brittain and London England I am 1.5% London England but I am Trinidad Cuban's I am also Scottish red head cinnamon 1.5% = 3% it is not much but I have God children that race ethnicity culture I call them my lemon head candy and cinnamon 🍬🍭 candy they are sweet 🧁 all that jazz and sassy ….

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