One man against big business…

Since Monsanto began selling their patented ‘Roundup Ready’ genetically modified (GM) seeds they have sued hundreds of farmers for patent infringement. Their heavy-handed investigations and ruthless prosecutions have been nothing less than an assault on the foundations of farming practices and traditions that have endured for millennia, including one of the oldest, the right to save and replant crop seed. Michael White, a fourth generation farmer and seed cleaner living in the northeast corner of rural Alabama never imagined that he would become the target of the conglomerates aggressive legal tactics. But unlike other farmers in his area Michael refused to give in to Monsanto and in doing so became one of only a handful of farmers to maintain the ability to speak publicly about his case. This is his story.

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34 thoughts on “The Farmer Who Took On Monsanto (David Vs. Goliath Documentary) | Real Stories”
  1. ALL SEED PATENTS EXPIRE after 20 years! GMO corn, soybeans and alfalfa are generic and cheap now, a bargain for farmers. GMO corn seed just dropped $100 per bag in price! FARMERS DO NOT WANT TO REPLANT HYBRID SEEDS!!! Farmers quit saving Hybrid seed in mid 1930's and as each crop became a hybrid farmers quit saving seed from that crop. We have had patented seed ever since Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act in 1970 Protecting Plant Breeders with patent rights. It is illegal to save patented seed and does not mater if it is GMO or non GMO seed. Farmers are law abiding citizens but some think they are above the law. If you save seed do not buy patented seed to do so. A first grade child can understand that. There are many companies even foreign companies producing and selling GMO technology seed. That favorite whipping boy Monsanto was bought out and when it did exist it only controlled 20% of the GM seed market globally. Expired patent seed is a gift to humanity.

  2. GMO 25-year safety endorsement: 280 science institutions, more than 8,000 studies

    "Currently, there is a social and political controversy about the safety of foods produced from genetically modified (GM) crops. However, in the scientific community, there is no dispute or controversy regarding the safety of these crops. To date, more than 3,000 scientific studies [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] have assessed the safety of these crops in terms of human health and environmental impact. These studies together with several reviews performed on a case-by-case from regulatory agencies around the world have enabled a solid and clear scientific consensus: GM crops have no more risk than those that have been developed by conventional breeding techniques.

    In addition, there is also extensive literature that compiles the socioeconomic and environmental benefits that transgenic crops have reported in two decades of commercialization [9,10].

    This document brings together the public statements of technical and scientific institutions that adhere to this consensus. I made an update based on this document from ChileBio that initially included 40 official documents representing about 190 institutions – the document from ChileBio was subsequently updated in 2017 with the institutions and statements attached here.

    The update shows that 284 technical and scientific institutions recognize the safety of GM crops and their potential benefits. Interestingly a large part of these institutions are located in Europe, the continent that has put more obstacles to the commercialization of these crops. On the other hand, the countries with most organizations in favor of GM crops are United Kingdom (33), United States (25), Italy (23), Spain (16) and Germany (11).

    In conclusion, 284 technical and scientific institutions recognize that GM crops are not riskier than those produced by conventional breeding, and/or the potential benefits of these crops."

    https://geneticliteracyproject. org/2017/06/19/gmo-20-year-safety-endorsement-280-science-institutions-more-3000-studies/

  3. The dilemma in the future that will have to be decided by one of either two alternatives after the perceived over- population of humans economic geopolitical crisis of inflation and other severe predicted events that are said to have impact on peoples of the earth with dire consequences. One people who reject these seeds will be faced with hunger and the consequences thereof and Two people whom accept this new seed feeding will be given allotted time to live in hopes that scientists discover medical advances to cure disease caused by foods consumed. Here is a big surprise for you people ! besides modified grains and vegetation that people are eating, people for decades have been consuming and eating so much synthetic foods that are chemically formulated by color dyes, flavors, and consistency fillers etc, that are known to be extreme contributors to human health deficiencies and harmful toxins responsible for chronic illnesses and internal diseases. Human beings (people) are aware of these overlooked facts. So who truly has the answer or who can say what is healthy anymore ? I did however happened see an episode of a science fiction series named ' The Outer Limits titled "Seeds of destruction" where an unregulated agricultural chemical company became the culprit for horrible deadly human mutations attributed by providing farmers an agricultural defective chemical for their corn fields that caused those mutations. "The seeds of destruction" 1995 Outer Limits episode provided its viewers with a moral message as did all 1995 Outer Limits episodes. Here's it is. Who we are as the human race and what will become of the human race is determined by our actions, nonetheless are those actions planting the seeds of our salvation or are they planting the seeds of destruction of the human race? Let us always remember as we sow so shall we reap @

  4. Well, now that we’ve been eating Manto chemical sprayed foods we are now genetically modified for at least 30 years so does that mean that we are no longer independent and sovereign we are also genetically modified and owned by a man Santo, since our boys carry seed

  5. I agree, federal government, and these mega corporations are out of control. No one should have to eat genetically modified food and people would like to be able to plant their own organic seeds

  6. Dear Government

    You will keep your hands off the farmers! You have no ability to regulate what farmers grow because farming belongs to the people and you have NO SAY in what we save to plant later. KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THE FARMERS AT ALL TIMES! Keep your hands off them! Leave them alone!

    -Sincerely the American Patriot!

  7. Save seeds which are not patented and prone to diseases, yield low. But no, he whines that he cannot keep seeds which god created etc, actually companies are spending billions on research to get better seeds and somehow he only wants to keep those seeds and cry about it. Dumb farmer. I hope they all get sued by trying to make bigger profits than other farmers.

  8. Imagine seeing a diabolical company functioning very shady-like, and instead of getting mad at the lack of regulation, you just pin the blame on GMOs! Too much “natural stuff always good, chemical stuff always bad” bs.
    Humanity can live without Monestro, but it cannot live without GMOs.

  9. It's now 2024 & this story only has 85k views? It should have MILLIONS. I am sharing it with my network now. The brother interviewed is brilliant & we must HEED his warning ⚠️…bless him & his beloved father for speaking truth to power.

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