The Miami-Dade County Jail and the Miami Dade Boot Camp – the two toughest divisions of the Miami Dade prison complex but they couldn’t be more different. Boot camp doesn’t give its participants a minute to themselves, the inmates in prison have nothing but time to themselves. Two extremes, united in one world. One, a protocol to break the inmates by bootcamp drill, the other, old dilapidated group cells with its own special hierarchy within prison walls. Behind rusty iron bars, murderers, rapists and robbers adhere to their own rules to survive.
Killer Torrence knows the prison system of Miami like the inside of his pocket: he has survived almost 30 years within these walls. His perspective: life imprisonment. As a formality, his sentence is being renegotiated, nevertheless the chance of parole is minimal. What does it feel like when you know you will never get out from behind these iron bars? Torrence explains …
Robber Therkil has better prospects: He is allowed to leave his 16-man cell in a year. If he can survive that long. He’s a bit talkative and mentioned gangs on camera. That got him a black eye off camera….
So that they do NOT have to spend the next years and decades behind bars with criminal heavyweights, the young boot camp participants have voluntarily signed up for extreme drill. If they survive the physical and psychological torment for 16 months, an early release and thus a second chance beckons.
Until then, Robert, Giuseppe and Osman, however, have to endure a lot – and bend to the will of the drill instructors. These include sports until collapse, and food and water that is rationed – enough to survive, but not enough to ever get full…
This documentary was produced by Maximus Film and directed by Sina Hutt. It was first released in 2016.
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Please come and get this kids from key west
California is doing it the soft way like the narrator would like. Look at them it’s a mess
This is SOOO OLD!!! OMG!!
If you are not in hospital and doing no time in prison…you got Jah to thank for that.
What people don't understand is that prison is a place for punishment, a place that should be so bad that no one ever wants to go back. Just as the death penalty is a punishment, not a deterrent.
Inhumane? What criminals do is inhumane.
This boot cammps need to teach them life skills. Like the boot camps in el salvador. U must learn how to sow, paint, school, wood work, iron work. Flying so much, and counseling. They must do clean up within the community. Making clothing for the disadvantage, mechanics. In Ukraine prisons to so why doesn't America do it . Germany has good programs to and because of this they didn't most don't re offend . Something has to change
See, you should not mix people like with murderers etc. It has worked in el salvador. America has ro change that
See, waiting too long for the execution is not good. People need to see that, so they think twice to do a crime. Also, El salvador has made people attend church, and that has made a huge impact in so many people, including the worse. Counseling. Sending teens to adult prisons doesn't work it actually destroys those teens for life… also people are searched after every program including their cells . No weapons are ever made because there is no chance to make weapons. This has to chain America so this kids , teens can change. Alcohol, drug addiction programs must have. U must change things around to give them confidence
Doing school work they must, doing a computer program like generating 3D programs, leaning how to write and read properly. Learning how to fly ect. They must give them something . Some are for boot camp but not all. The boot camp needs to have educational programs like leaning to do something for life skill programs. This will change so much. Also they get places with different jobs. It has worked in el salvador
see there is no rehabilitation here and thats the problem. Why doesn't America fix that, u must fix it by rehabilitation, isolation where if u make noise ur in trouble. Also they need to learn how to do different jobs. Jobs doing things for the community within bars. Making beds, furniture, sowing. Learning how to build small sheds for a disadvantage person. Many things like in el salvador and it works. Also in el salvador the new prisons have worked because they will not tolerate and not having contact with their peers isn't good so they rather take the programs. Some u must take the programs. There is different buildings. Also killers are not mix with someone who has petty theft. This has to change in America.
This account is just reposting the documentaries from the Free Documentary channel
This documentary is so well produced 🤯
I think this is great!