@Copwatchtv obtained body camera and security footage from Santa Fe Police of a case of a City of Santa Fe Director of Utilities stealing a piece of luggage from the airport.
City Director John Dupuis arrived from his flight and stayed in the luggage claim area. He soon found a piece of luggage to take and put it in his city truck. He drove home and police started to investigate.
The located Dupuis at home and they found the luggage. His story did not add up and he was placed under arrest for larceny. He soon lost his job from the City of Santa Fe.
This featured content is NOT intended to be violent nor glorify violence in any way. We are sharing this footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and education.
Bailless county? BASED!
Not only did this POS steal but left the contents exposed to the weather cause they were of no value to him.
This Guy has to Be the Dumbest Man to have such a Position in the Country.
Santa Fe Must be Proud of Him.
Watching him spin that stupid story was brutal 😒
I'd be happy to help the officer on camera if he needs it.
Dude, looks like a strung out loser
The girlfriend is very nonplussed about the whole thing.
First of all, no self-respecting man would wear such a girly robe. Second of all, why didn’t the police keep pounding on the fact that the box was in no way addressed to a “Jeff”? The thief would’ve immediately known it wasn’t the box he was looking for. End of interview and cuffs on right at that point.
Oh poor him, having to “take up extra effort” cooking and cleaning suddenly. He has that girl completely snowed. God only knows how much time he’s stolen from her being a total loser.
Guess stealing luggage is more common than we think?
“Literally sometimes I try to help too much.”
A biden Crimal Sam Britton Stole people's luggage. These clowns Not Understanding How many Cameras Everywhere can find their lies
John you’re full of it, sending them on a scavenger hunt and now you’re staying at the Grey Bar Hotel, congratulations dopey you earned it. Pinched on a Saturday night for a felony, no bail and you’ll be driven to the court Monday morning. Tell the judge you purify his doodie and he might give you a break.🙄🤣L!
Theft is when you "help too much" now apparently.
Nobosy gets released on sunday. 😂😂 nor see the judge on Sunday
Old Moobs Magee must’ve been quite a site walking into the jailhouse wearing his kimono 👘
I also despise liars and thieves. Years ago my then husband and I were called out to a wreck as volunteers. I was an EMT and he was a firefighter. While we were gone, some neighboring teens who knew we were called out (later caught) broke into our home and stole $20 (my daughter's birthday money) and a gold necklace (first Mother's Day gift from my children). The clue that it was the teens? They stole the warm chocolate chip cookies I had just taken out of the oven and the 2 liter Pepsi on the counter. (They left the Coca-Cola.) The cost to repair the door and frame from their sloppy use of a crowbar costs more than what they stole. But the value of that necklace was priceless to me.
When his daughter gets this video recommended to her in 10 years time.. hey that’s my daddy and he’s got bigger tits than my mom..
WHAT other POS 💩 do the BLUE cities hire ⁉
He had a great work history with continuous promotions to larger/better positions per a news story. To risk a professional career even holding an engineering degree in order to steal is as many others noted -he is no stranger to thievery
What's in the box? What's in the box?
Reminds me of that dude who stole those dresses and then wore them in photos. Worked at the White House 😂 first name Sam, I think.
At least he doesnt wear dresses, still a bad guy but that one that worked for the Biden admin that did the same thing was whacked.
You are such a saint, helping yourself to others things.
He probably stole that robe from a hotel.
Why did he take a photo of the box first? Just wondering
Thieving scumbag liar. Triple threat
Starting about 10 years ago, whenever I take a trip, I take several photos of my luggage before I leave. That way, if it ever gets lost by the airline, or stolen, I can show them exactly what I had. Instead of just telling them "it's a blue bag", the picture will show exactly what shade of blue, and the type and shape of the bag, etc. And if I'm carrying something valuable inside, like some pricey tools or electronic equipment, I make sure I take a picture of those inside the bag too before I close it, for ID purposes. It's like they say: "a picture is worth a thousand words".
His story doesn't fly. This disgusting thief and liar left someone's personal belongings in the bed of a pickup truck in the snow. Had no intention of returning anything. That city needs to up their hiring standards.
He's a thief why is it taking so long to arrest him?
Loving the stone cold wife in the background. She knows this is story is bs. This guy is a loser.
Everyone knows there are cameras practically everywhere now, but especially in secure places like airports. The level of stupid you to have be as an identifiable PUBLIC FIGURE to steal from somewhere like an airport is absolutely mind boggleing. If he couldn't resist having sticky fingers in a place filled with cameras, just imagine the damage he's done in places there aren't, like his job.
This should get the most boring video of the year award
Our government employees are crooks!
Sad thing is I believe him bcuz if he planned on keeping that stuff he woulda took the stuff inside his place
Not left it kn his truck so it seems he was really going to return it tomorrow morning since he had a flight to catch anyways. Seems legit but at the same time who takes packaged that do not beling to you and if he thought they were "Jef's" if they didnt have Jeff's name on them he shouldnt have taken it. I'm wondering if the stuff would have been something they wanted if they woulda kept the stuff or if maybe they thought it might be drugs or something. It's all just strange.
Likely a buddy of Sam Brinton's… prob hung out a lot.
Talk about foolish. With all the security we have today, why would he think he'd get away with this.