Worst Car Ever, Show 3526, Cops TV Show – Everything Law and Order Blog

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All-New COPS episode on Fox Nation on February 16th, 2024


Adams County Deputies use spike strips to safely deflate a fleeing car’s tires. A passenger falls out of the vehicle as it makes a turn before the female driver decides to give up. Hillsborough County Deputies search for a passenger that fled from a car stop and tossed meth and find him hiding in a shed with a change of clothes. Las Vegas Officers spot a windowless car and contact the erratic female driver. When meth is found, she admits to using meth in the past because “she is from Oklahoma”.

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15 thoughts on “Worst Car Ever, Show 3526, Cops TV Show”
  1. Working my whole life was no picnic but I can't imagine how miserable that "I'm a criminal" guys life is and is only going to get worse the older he gets. The idea is you work hard buy a home save some money + SS and live comfortably in your old age.

  2. I’ve been looking for a particular episode for awhile and I’m wondering if someone could help, the cop pulls up to the guy at night and when he gets out and approaches the suspect he says β€œI’ll give you 20 bucks if you can catch me” or β€œ I bet you can’t catch me β€œ. Something like that. Then the officer runs at him and he gets caught up in his own baggy pants. Could someone help please, this is bugging me!

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