Vape Store Robbery – Officer Involved Shooting – Fort Worth Police January 7th, 2024

Vape Store Robbery – Officer Involved Shooting – Fort Worth Police January 7th, 2024

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On Sunday, January 7th, 2024, Fort Worth Police Patrol officers responded to a robbery call at a business in the 6400 block of McCart Avenue at 4:01 a.m. The details of the call indicated that the suspect, later identified as 37-year-old Walker Cadd, entered the store wearing a face mask and armed with a crowbar.

The initial responding officer arrived at 4:03 a.m. and witnessed Cadd fleeing through the creek bed behind the shopping center toward a residential neighborhood off Westcreek Dr. Cadd proceeded to jump a fence into the backyard of a residence situated at 3200 Fargo Ct.

The officer drew his weapon and promptly issued verbal commands for Cadd to reveal his hands. Despite repeated warnings, Cadd, refusing to comply, responded with several instances of “No!” The officer radioed his precise location to aid fellow officers in locating him. Cadd, undeterred, stood up and approached the officer. Despite multiple warnings of potential consequences, Cadd continued advancing directly toward the officer.

At close proximity, within arm’s reach, the officer pushed Cadd to create distance and retreated out of the shed. However, Cadd persisted in ignoring the officer’s commands as he exited the shed. Once outside, Cadd moved toward a sizable opening in the fence, providing access to a neighboring residence and an opportunity to escape.

To prevent Cadd’s escape, the officer reached for him with his left hand to impede his progress. In response, Cadd turned toward the officer, reaching for the officer’s gun. Fearing that Cadd was attempting to seize his weapon, the officer discharged two shots from his pistol, with one shot hitting Cadd in the leg.

Within seconds, a backup officer arrived, and both officers secured Cadd, promptly administering emergency medical care. Medstar transported Cadd to a local hospital, where he received treatment and was later released on the same day.

Cadd faces charges of Theft and Attempting to Take a Weapon from a Peace Officer. He is currently held in the Tarrant County Jail on bonds totaling $5,500.

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🚨♦Disclaimer🚨: This video is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing the footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. for training purpose, for public safety, to expose an injustice, documenting or foster debate about important events.🚨

Video Leak Police primary publish police Officer Involved Shooting, critical incident, police chase with information in their context for better understanding, with police officer body camera, dash cam, surveillance camera footage, 911 call, picture and more.

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34 thoughts on “Vape Store Robbery – Officer Involved Shooting – Fort Worth Police January 7th, 2024

  1. So going into a store with a weapon and robbing the store, damaging property, and then attempting to steal an officers gun only results in a tiny $5,500 bond?

  2. He obviously thought we were still in covid times. Ain't no one putting up with this smash and grab behavior anymore. You are seeing more and more of them getting wrecked by the store owners and cops.

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