The Most Rebellious Teens to Ever Face the Law

The Most Rebellious Teens to Ever Face the Law

On October 5th, 2023, police in New Mexico were called to a Children’s Youth and Families Department facility. The agency reported that children were behaving uncontrollably, screaming, throwing objects, locking themselves inside offices, and assaulting staff members

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25 thoughts on “The Most Rebellious Teens to Ever Face the Law

  1. I almost went to the Foster system and speaking of that I would never trust the Foster system because in the Foster system they do so much wrong to those damn kids it’s it’s terrible. I have people that I know that are from the Foster system. I don’t trust the Foster system at all. All they care about is making money and dropping kids off to terrible people. They don’t care about those kids.💔💔💔💔

  2. Sad AF but these little demon children belong in a very structured environment ,,, very structured like juvi or a boot camp.
    Mom, you ae a huge part of and probably the root of the problem, appears you LOST custody fora good reason. Their NOT your kids at this point because you failed as a mother.

  3. Being a kid in a situation like this is fucking awful. Especially when you have a mother who is literally doing everything EXCEPT the right thing. I’ve been that kid before and I’m so glad to be who and where I am now.

  4. Generational entitlement and no respect for law and order. Never their fault. Will never change until the courts get their act together… SMGDH
    No more slap on the wrist X's 10, CONSEQUENCES

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