Sunday Reset with AK Dozanti – Officer Suicide

Sunday Reset with AK Dozanti – Officer Suicide

Meet AK Dozanti.

She’s a former Deputy Sheriff turned First Responder Wellness Coach & Specialist. In 2015 the affects of life and law enforcement caught up with her, she burned out just months after being named Officer of the Year. There’s a lot more to the story but she is honored to say that she helps first responders prevent burnout in their own lives so that they can free themselves from their mental battle.

In this world of go, go, go we are beginning a new series called “Sunday Reset” here at Law Enforcement Today. A lot of people spend the day before out week meal prepping, cleaning, and generally getting themselves ready for the week ahead, and we’ve invited AK to come on and begin helping our viewers mentally and emotionally reset for the week ahead as well.

If you’d like to learn more about AK or you’d like to contact her regarding one on one coaching for your mental well being, please visit her website at

#mentalhealth #firstresponders #police #fire #dispatch #ems #emotionalresilience #burnout #akdozanti #sundayreset #lawenforcement #thinblueline

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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7 thoughts on “Sunday Reset with AK Dozanti – Officer Suicide

  1. To all of our first responders…..Many many many of us are behind you 1000%! PLEASE talk to us, as we're here for you, just as much as you're here for us! Be safe, and God bless all!🙏🇺🇲

  2. I lost my mother and a quite a few of my coworkers/friends to suicide in the last 30 years between the military and law enforcement. It's absolutely tragic and devastating to everyone you know because they always feel guilt that they could have done something or should have known something was wrong. Most of the time, suicidal people hide how they are feeling and you have no idea they are in pain until they are gone, but you still tend to blame yourself. Don't do that to people you care about, let them help you. I've been suicidal myself for decades dealing with PTSD, but I never attempted it because I always reminded myself how much pain it would cause those closest to me and I got help when I needed it.

  3. This is a problem across the board, with high stress jobs. Especially when dealing with the deaths or injuries of other humans. It has a tendency to remind us of our vulnerabilities. Our ability and willingness to rely on others for support has been diminished by many things in our society. One being social media, which causes less one on one interaction.
    Like they say in the Army, it's not when the soldiers are complaining that you need to worry it's when they stop. Having someone to vent to is a huge release

  4. When Police Officers are being fired or sent to Prison for doing their job what do you expect? Their own well being is threatened everyday when they walk out the door to go to work. They are being forced to let criminals beat the crap out of them until they can find a gentle way to take them down like they are toddlers. EMT's are faced with the same situations but in a different way. They have to put up with people disrespecting them and people finding loopholes to accuse them of not doing their jobs. When Officers are fired or sent to Prison and the Criminals get off Scott free and First Responders are fired for being accused of not doing their jobs, this destroys their careers and it takes it's toll on them. They are over worked and under appreciated and in some cases treated like the Criminals.

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