On April 26, 2024, in Florida, police were investigating a car accident when a woman decided to block traffic to take photos of the scene.
On April 26, 2024, in Florida, police were investigating a car accident when a woman decided to block traffic to take photos of the scene.
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Def a New Yorker 😂
What an absurd arrest. This cop is ridiculous.
She was an annoying busy body, but when the cop said to get out of the road way, she did. Waste of time and resources on charges that will most definitely be dropped.
For some people cops are either always in the wrong or always in the right. People aren't capable of judging each case separately. What she did was worthy of a citation at best. The cop escalated this into an arrest. The charge will most likely be thrown out because it's complete BS.
Cop was on a power trip she was in stopped traffic. Bootlickers in comments section are unreal
Idk about this arrest, I mean she didn't block traffic, she didn't almost get hit, and she didn't hit him. I bet all those charges are going to get dropped.
Cops are sensitive to photos at accidents due to notifying families of death. You try to get info at an accident and they are trained to protect it. Obviously there doesn’t even look to be injuries but that’s why. Rubber neckers are friggin terrible too though and don’t even act like you aren’t. Look ahead at an accident and move forward. You look to the side for 1 second and wow look at that 100’ gap in fromt of you congrats for creating traffic.
You can't fix stupid!
To everyone defending the cop this bogus arrest cost the tax payers thousands of dollars now imagine that across the country its millions of dollars wasted a year on bogus arrests not to mention the precious time and resources that could be used for real crime yea deserved a ticket that actually would’ve generated income not a farce of an arrest this is one of the many reasons this country is in debt
Got a YouTube video to show her husband now
She was for sure wrong but didn’t need to go to jail. Leave her be. She was walking away. Just unnecessary in my opinion.
These cops are fuggin ridiculous. She took a photo. He grabbed her arm. Ugh i hate the world we live in
She's from NY. This is a Tuesday for her.
"It's about the neighborhood, they're all crazy" Was that her saying she fits right in?
"Are you out of your mind?" yes lady you are. Go into busy traffic to take pictures of something that has nothing to do with you. Play victim. Play dumb.
Thats a bullshit ticket… thats just 'punishment by cop' because he didn't like what she was doing.
cops having a bad day it was over the top
This arrest is ridiculous. Cops are usually in the right in these cams, but not in this one. Bald cop was a jerk.
She probably thought she was a paramedic, like jeremy dewitte thinks, hes a cop?
I kinda dislike nosey people so this is exactly what I wanted to see 🤣🤣🤣🤣