Jealous Ex Spirals Out of Control After He Moves On

Jealous Ex Spirals Out of Control After He Moves On

On September 25, 2024, in Ohio, police responded to a call from a woman reporting a domestic dispute involving her ex-boyfriend, who was allegedly armed with a gun

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28 thoughts on “Jealous Ex Spirals Out of Control After He Moves On

  1. So none of these people are emotionally intelligent. Also BABYGIRL find some self esteem. You went back to a space where you were threatened with a gun. Ain’t no d in the world worth my life. And any man willing to put you in that situation just to smash does not give a fuck about you. These new women something else….

  2. Here's some life advice for anyone.

    When you separate, divorce, or break up with your partner move out asap.

    Do not start a new relationship until your old one is finished. Living with your ex is not a finished relationship.

    Other side of this is that do not date anyone who lives or has daily contact with their ex.

    Their relationship is not completely finished no matter what they tell you.

  3. The cop had a chance to remind hag #1 that it's his house too, but instead he reinforced her delusion of having everyone out of HER safety net. She told that cop she walked out with her gun, not as self defense but to threaten a roommate, and they just ignore it.

    That was dumb.

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