On July 15th, 2023, Police officers responded to a call about a woman shoplifting at a local festival. Despite being warned to leave they didn’t listen. Girl Loses It After Given Multiple Chances Not to Go to Jail


43 thoughts on “Girl Loses it After Given Multiple Chances Not to Go to Jail”
  1. I've noticed quite a bit after watching many of these videos, that women always want to "talk" it out, or "talk" with the officer, or can we just "talk" about it. I think that's interesting. Once in awhile a man will say something about talking it out with the officers, but no way near the number of times women say it. Is it because women believe it's their one "power," since they don't usually have physical power? Or do they believe if they are truly heard – where normally they aren't – that the officer will understand everything about them and let them go? Or…..what is it?

  2. Two warning and your dumb butt came back for a thrid time….well book her and keep it pushing. I understand police have to speak to the one being placed under arrest for their personal info but sometimes it so long and drawn out

  3. Stop giving these idiots chances to screw up again ridiculous they should of arrested her the second time they saw her what a phsycohosebeast liar she is exactly what’s wrong with this country right now to many of her types

  4. I’m pretty apathetic about most things in life but something about posting videos of severely mentally unstable people as they have an episode just isn’t my cup of tea. Then to mislabel it as, “Girl loses it after given multiple chances not to go to jail" is low life behavior. I’m all for laughing at people of sound mind when they bring misery to themselves but not when people can’t help themselves.

  5. ITS CRAZY HOW MANY OF YOU MAKES JOKES ABOUT THIS IN AMERICA…But hey most of you are clowns right just waiting for the circus “ THE COMMENT CIRCUS”who raised you

  6. This is the worst. I love community events! People like this ruin stuff like this being a nuisance, making a scene, and only thinking about themselves! I feel sorry for everyone around who had to experience her and people like her behaviors!

  7. “I have allergies on my shoulder” “I’m deaf” “My arms are broken” “I have a cough” “I’m an officer” “I have money” “I have to go to the bathroom I shit my pants” “I have children” “I had money to pay for soap” “I don’t need to go anywhere – I’m just supposed to stay here in the grass” ‘I’m a service girl you can’t treat a service girl like this” “I need to go to the hospital”. WOW … only a court stenographer could possibly keep up with the cascade of excuses and problems coming from this unhinged thief.

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