Bodycam Footage Of Las Vegas Police Shootout

Bodycam Footage Of Las Vegas Police Shootout

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Las Vegas Metro police held a press conference in which they released additional information on the deadly shootings of Branden Hughes and his mother, Felicia Wimberly-Hughes. They also disclosed additional information about the shooting death of Metro K9 Nicky. The shooting took place last Thursday on Fast Elk Street, in the northwest Valley.

Metro Undersheriff Kevin McMahill reported that Nicky was struck one time by a shot fired from a Metro officer rather than suspect James Craig Simpson, 31. Police provided body camera video that shows Metro Officer Abudhabi Lewis pleading with Simpson to step away from his handgun. McMahill said Simpson continued to look at officers while keeping an eye on his firearm. Nicky was then deployed by his handler, Sgt. Eric Kerns. When Simpson saw the dog coming, he began running and fired a shot at officers.

“The officers recognized the threat and fired their weapons at Simpson,” McMahill said. McMahill said Nicky latched on to Simpson but couldn’t bring him to the ground. Simpson then fired at Kerns, and Kerns and other officers returned fire. Simpson was struck six times and fell to the ground. Nicky was struck once. “As I sit here today, it is unknown which officer’s round struck K9 Nicky.

Simpson sustained several gunshot wounds during the exchange of gunfire, leaving him paralyzed,” McMahill said. McMahill said Simpson remains in critical condition at University Medical Center but has been stabilized. He further said Simpson is unable to speak to officers about the incident. McMahill said Simpson has a criminal history that involves robbery and domestic violence charges.

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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25 thoughts on “Bodycam Footage Of Las Vegas Police Shootout

  1. This officer is REALLY GOOD. He REALLY attempts to relax the stressed out suspect, acts extremely kindly, and when things go haywire does NOT overreact, but thoughtfully shoots once and one more time when he sees it is necessary, both whilst achieving great aim. THAT is quality. What a difference from all those lousy colleagues he's got everywhere that shoot with the at the time and all empty their entire clips on a guy that's already on the ground, or that tries to take out his wallet, or that merely runs away.

  2. to be honest once he guy dropped the gun i would have walked up closer to him just so i have a good shot on him and not to strike those houses just in case, wouldnt like to hear you have shot or a innocent civilian in the crossfire

  3. Body cams are set badly on purpose… get away from the gun lol
    Bodycam aimed at the floor… don't do it!!! Don't reach for that GUN…!!! lol

  4. What a great cop. This is how I would like to see all cops handle this type of situation. He seems so calm and genuine. What a great dude. Really out to help protect and serve. They all deserve a raise. But this dude deserves two or three… and i sometimes side with the citizens im not the cops cops cops ra ra ra guy.

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