24 thoughts on “Titusville tyrant Body Camera – Unlawful stop riding my scooter near Lockheed Martin

  1. I'm so sick of seeing officers overstep their boundaries and be domestic terrorists.. we the people at citizens have to police the police and the way we do that is by knowing our laws and what our rights are if we don't know that we don't have a chance in hell with these people.. these are the type of cops that you hope that don't survive during the shootout

  2. James got him with the Lockheed Martin question, that was the moment the cop should’ve walked away instead of digging deeper to get a gotcha question.

  3. i loved the way this auditor handled these tyrants,,,,cut and dry,,polite and brutal,,sweet and sour …just beautiful.

  4. As much as I like Wayne Ivey for 2nd Amendment stuff; I'm pretty sure he perpetuates the "good ol' boys" club. I'm sure you know already but he's the Sheriff in Brevard.

  5. Now that was the best one I've seen yet, from any channel. He was thoroughly knowledgable, completely respectful and polite as he patiently responded to the police. All the so-called "auditers" I've seen are quick to become defensive and aggressive, condescending, and respond with attitudes when most of the time it just isn't necessary.

  6. If a sovereign citizen is someone who doesn’t think the law applies to them, unfortunately plenty of cops fit that description. I guess in America a citizen who exercises their Constitutional rights is – quite ironically – accused by police of being a sovereign citizen, even though a Constitutionalist is the exact opposite of a sovereign citizen.

  7. this video made me subscribe to his channel this guy is amazing he knows the law and he's helped me understand how to deal with police interactions I would suggest his channel to anybody.

  8. Having just been torn to shreds by a citizen who knows his rights and basic laws better than these thugs, they still say: "Don't commit any infractions…."

  9. Nice to see you from the body can angle. The smile on your face and the way you handle the cops shows how much more intelligent you are.

  10. They could have probably could have been in the stop and frisk statute for L&P. The point of the 901.151 will allow them to get your information for contact at a later date and L&P should be enough for them to demand ID. So you are using the word tyrant and unlawful when this video shows neither of those.

  11. Yeah cos he's certainly gonna be let onto lockheeds grounds unchecked by security riding his scooter with his phone camera rolling. Not that he'd try obviously he's sticking to public roads. Zero trespass. These cops, yes it's alright for them to check out people. But soon as no wrong doing is found, jog on Mr Plod.
    Edit . Spoke way too soon. God what a prick."you're free to go" "You're not free to go, you're not free to stay"? Whatever that meant? Then @4:20 'you're blocking the road" moves off the road "now you're on private property."

  12. He's walking around the perimeter of and filming a nuclear weapons plant in the middle of the night…"Tour" my ass…"Tour" of what?…All the guardposts? Cops should have called feds and asked what to do.

  13. I make the claim that this is the best audit ever. I could be wrong but I don’t think so. I do have a runner up which is Buttosai on the park bench. He gets detained for a very long time as they talk nonstop for an hour trying to get his name. I don’t have a number three decided on yet.

  14. Still they felt like giving directives and warnings. I feel if it wasn’t for the camera they would have pressed the issues but they didn’t have a law he broke.

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